Prepare Your Health Plan as Well as Your RV This Summer

As summer approaches and the call of the open road beckons to RV enthusiasts, it’s crucial to ensure that your health insurance is in order before embarking on long trips. Navigating health insurance while on the move can be complex, but with the right planning, you can enjoy your adventures with peace of mind. Here are key health insurance considerations for RVers planning extended summer travel.

Understanding Health Insurance Coverage Areas

  1. Check Your Plan’s Network: Before you leave, understand your health insurance plan’s network. Many plans offer regional or national coverage, but specifics can vary. If your insurance is tied to a particular state or network, you might face higher costs for out-of-network care. For nationwide travel, consider a plan with a broad network or one that offers favorable out-of-network benefits.
  2. Travel Insurance: For added protection, consider purchasing travel health insurance, especially if your current plan has limited out-of-network coverage. These policies can cover emergencies and provide services like medical evacuation, which is particularly useful in remote areas commonly explored during RV trips.

Handling Emergencies

  1. Know Where to Go: Familiarize yourself with the locations of hospitals and urgent care centers along your planned route. In case of an emergency, knowing the nearest facility that accepts your insurance can make a significant difference in the care you receive and the cost.
  2. Emergency Room vs. Urgent Care: Understand when to use an emergency room versus urgent care. Visits to the emergency room should be reserved for true emergencies, as they can be very costly, especially if out-of-network. Urgent care centers can handle less severe issues like minor injuries and illnesses at a lower cost.

Managing Medications

  1. Stock Up: Before departing, ensure you have enough of your regular medications to last the trip, plus some extra in case of delays. Check with your insurance about getting a vacation override that allows you to refill prescriptions early.
  2. Prescription Transferability: Make sure your prescriptions can be transferred and filled at national pharmacies if you need refills on the road. This is particularly important for medications that require regular monitoring or specialty medications.
woman on laptop looking at health insurance screen

Keeping Up with Appointments

  1. Telehealth Options: Investigate if your insurance plan offers telehealth services. These can be invaluable for managing chronic conditions or addressing non-emergency medical concerns without needing to find a local doctor.
  2. Routine Care: If you have regular appointments for ongoing health issues, schedule them before you leave or use telehealth appointments while traveling. Don’t neglect routine care just because you’re on the road.

Final Health Insurance Tips

  • Documentation: Keep a copy of your insurance card and a list of key contact numbers for your health insurance company. Also, carry a list of your current medications, including dosage and frequency, which can be vital in emergencies.
  • Local Laws and Regulations: Some states have unique medical laws and regulations that might affect your care. Familiarize yourself with these, especially if you plan to spend a lot of time in a particular state.
  • Emergency Kit: Keep an emergency kit with you that is specifically tailored to your health needs. Whether you need a blood pressure monitor, glucose checker, or other specific tools or medications, make sure you have what you need.

Preparing your health insurance for an RV trip doesn’t just reduce stress—it ensures that you can focus on the joys of traveling and exploring new places. For more detailed guidance tailored to your specific needs and to explore options that best fit your traveling lifestyle, visit for expert advice and free quotes. Safe travels and enjoy your summer adventures!

Having a custom emergency kit is important for proper health care on the road.